Finestre di Dialogo (Dialogs) - Costanti. - pagina vista: volte

Questo articolo nasce per soddisfare una limitazione della Guida in Linea del vba di Excel: reperire tutte le "Costanti"  delle Finestre di Dialogo, Costanti non facili da individuare e che spesso potrebbero tornarci utili quanto impostiamo istruzioni in vba.

L'elenco che segue l'ho trovato sul sito " esiste più)", sito ricco di soluzioni anche per Word, Access, che invito caldamente a visitare.

Io mi sono limitato a "splittare" l'elenco relativo all'articolo in questione, e suddividerlo nella sottostante tabella nelle colonne "Costanti" e "Spiegazioni - Intervengono su".

Non ho tradotto la colonna spiegazioni perchè facilmente intuibile il tipo di Dialogs che apparirà e il relativo utilizzo. Comunque ognuno potrà verificare il tipo di finestra di dialogo che otterrà, impostando la Costante opportuna.

Un istruzione per lanciare una finestra di dialogo è semplice; potremo riferirci ad esempio ad una cella, selezionandola, ed usare queste istruzioni:

  • With Application.Dialogs(costante desiderata)
    End With

Apparirà la finestra di dialogo richiamata dove potremo verificare, impostare, modificare le opzioni previste nella finestra stessa, ed ottenere le impostazioni scelte sulla cella (o su tutta un'area) precedentemente selezionata, oppure su un immagine, presente su un foglio di lavoro, o su un grafico, ecc. ecc. In genere dovremo comunque avere selezionato "l'oggetto" su cui intendiamo esercitare l'azione decisa attraverso le opzioni selezionate nella Dialogs scelta.

L'utilizzo di Finestre di Dialogo ci consentono di decidere, sul momento, un'azione opportuna, evitando di prevedere istruzioni condizionali appropriate in fase di compilazione istruzioni; sarà l'utente che durante l'esecuzione di una macro, deciderà di volta in volta cosa vorrà ottenere.

Se per esempio, volessimo decidere al momento, quale tipo di font, colore, dimensione, formato (grassetto, corsivo, ecc) impostare a tutte le celle (o solo alcune celle) di un'area, dopo aver introdotto formule, oppure copiato dati, o altro ancora (selezionandole), potremo usare l'istruzione sopra con una delle costanti sui font, come in questo esempio:

  •  .....
    With Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFont)
    End With

e vedremo aprirsi questa finestra dove potremo impostare le opzioni a noi confacenti, e premere ok per applicarle alla/alle celle selezionate:

Definirei la cosa una semi-automazione molto ma molto comoda, visto il gran numero di Dialogs disponibili, da poter usare in moltissime occasioni, (oltretutto se vorremo desistere basterà premere il pulsante "Annulla" e la finestra scomparirà lasciando tutto come sta) rendendo, usando un termine di moda, "interattiva" l'esecuzione di una macro.

Elenco Costanti

Spiegazioni - Intervengono su

xlDialogActivate window_text, pane_num
xlDialogActiveCellFont font, font_style, size, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, outline, _shadow, underline, color, normal, background, start_char, char_count
xlDialogAddChartAutoformat name_text, desc_text
xlDialogAddinManager operation_num, addinname_text, copy_logical
xlDialogAlignment horiz_align, wrap, vert_align, orientation, add_indent
xlDialogApplyNames name_array, ignore, use_rowcol, omit_col, omit_row, order_num, append_last
xlDialogApplyStyle style_text
xlDialogAppMove x_num, y_num
xlDialogAppSize x_num, y_num
xlDialogArrangeAll arrange_num, active_doc, sync_horiz, sync_vert
xlDialogAssignToObject macro_ref
xlDialogAssignToTool bar_id, position, macro_ref
xlDialogAttachText attach_to_num, series_num, point_num
xlDialogAutoCorrect correct_initial_caps, capitalize_days
xlDialogAxes x_primary, y_primary, x_secondary, y_secondary
xlDialogAxes x_primary, y_primary, z_primary
xlDialogBorder outline, left, right, top, bottom, shade, outline_color, left_color, _right_color, top_color, bottom_color
xlDialogCalculation type_num, iter, max_num, max_change, update, precision, date_1904, calc_save, _save_values, alt_exp, alt_form
xlDialogCellProtection locked, hidden
xlDialogChangeLink old_text, new_text, type_of_link
xlDialogChartAddData ref, rowcol, titles, categories, replace, series
xlDialogChartTrend type, ord_per, forecast, backcast, intercept, equation, r_squared, name
xlDialogChartWizard long, ref, gallery_num, type_num, plot_by, categories, ser_titles, legend, title, _x_title, y_title, z_title, number_cats, number_titles
xlDialogCheckboxProperties value, link, accel_text, accel2_text, 3d_shading
xlDialogClear type_num
xlDialogColorPalette file_text
xlDialogColumnWidth width_num, reference, standard, type_num, standard_num
xlDialogCombination type_num
xlDialogConsolidate source_refs, function_num, top_row, left_col, create_links
xlDialogCopyChart size_num
xlDialogCopyPicture appearance_num, size_num, type_num
xlDialogCreateNames top, left, bottom, right
xlDialogCreatePublisher file_text, appearance, size, formats
xlDialogCustomizeToolbar category
xlDialogDataLabel show_option, auto_text, show_key
xlDialogDataSeries rowcol, type_num, date_num, step_value, stop_value, trend
xlDialogDefineName name_text, refers_to, macro_type, shortcut_text, hidden, category, local
xlDialogDefineStyle style_text, number, font, alignment, border, pattern, protection
xlDialogDefineStyle style_text, attribute_num, additional_def_args, ...
xlDialogDeleteFormat format_text
xlDialogDeleteName name_text
xlDialogDemote row_col
xlDialogDisplay formulas, gridlines, headings, zeros, color_num, reserved, outline, page_breaks, object_num
xlDialogDisplay cell, formula, value, format, protection, names, precedents, dependents, note
xlDialogEditboxProperties validation_num, multiline_logical, vscroll_logical, password_logical
xlDialogEditColor color_num, red_value, green_value, blue_value
xlDialogEditDelete shift_num
xlDialogEditionOptions edition_type, edition_name, reference, option, appearance, size, formats
xlDialogEditSeries series_num, name_ref, x_ref, y_ref, z_ref, plot_order
xlDialogErrorbarX include, type, amount, minus
xlDialogErrorbarY include, type, amount, minus
xlDialogExtract unique
xlDialogFileDelete file_text
xlDialogFillGroup type_num
xlDialogFillWorkgroup type_num
xlDialogFilterAdvanced operation, list_ref, criteria_ref, copy_ref, unique
xlDialogFont name_text, size_num
xlDialogFontProperties font, font_style, size, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, outline, _shadow, underline, color, normal, background, start_char, char_count
xlDialogFormatAuto format_num, number, font, alignment, border, pattern, width
xlDialogFormatChart layer_num, view, overlap, angle, gap_width, gap_depth, chart_depth, doughnut_size, _axis_num, drop, hilo, up_down, series_line, labels, vary
xlDialogFormatCharttype apply_to, group_num, dimension, type_num
xlDialogFormatFont color, backgd, apply, name_text, size_num, bold, italic, underline, strike, _outline, shadow, object_id, start_num, char_num
xlDialogFormatFont name_text, size_num, bold, italic, underline, strike, color, outline, shadow
xlDialogFormatFont name_text, size_num, bold, italic, underline, strike, color, outline, shadow, _object_id_text, start_num, char_num
xlDialogFormatLegend position_num
xlDialogFormatMain type_num, view, overlap, gap_width, vary, drop, hilo, angle, gap_depth, chart_depth, _up_down, series_line, labels, doughnut_size
xlDialogFormatMove x_offset, y_offset, reference
xlDialogFormatMove x_pos, y_pos
xlDialogFormatMove explosion_num
xlDialogFormatNumber format_text
xlDialogFormatOverlay type_num, view, overlap, gap_width, vary, drop, hilo, angle, series_dist, _series_num, up_down, series_line, labels, doughnut_size
xlDialogFormatSize width, height
xlDialogFormatSize x_off, y_off, reference
xlDialogFormatText x_align, y_align, orient_num, auto_text, auto_size, show_key, show_value, add_indent
xlDialogFormulaFind text, in_num, at_num, by_num, dir_num, match_case, match_byte
xlDialogFormulaGoto reference, corner
xlDialogFormulaReplace find_text, replace_text, look_at, look_by, active_cell, match_case, match_byte
xlDialogGallery3dArea type_num
xlDialogGallery3dBar type_num
xlDialogGallery3dColumn type_num
xlDialogGallery3dLine type_num
xlDialogGallery3dPie type_num
xlDialogGallery3dSurface type_num
xlDialogGalleryArea type_num, delete_overlay
xlDialogGalleryBar type_num, delete_overlay
xlDialogGalleryColumn type_num, delete_overlay
xlDialogGalleryCustom name_text
xlDialogGalleryDoughnut type_num, delete_overlay
xlDialogGalleryLine type_num, delete_overlay
xlDialogGalleryPie type_num, delete_overlay
xlDialogGalleryRadar type_num, delete_overlay
xlDialogGalleryScatter type_num, delete_overlay
xlDialogGoalSeek target_cell, target_value, variable_cell
xlDialogGridlines x_major, x_minor, y_major, y_minor, z_major, z_minor, 2D_effect
xlDialogInsert shift_num
xlDialogInsertObject object_class, file_name, link_logical, display_icon_logical, icon_file, _icon_number, icon_label
xlDialogInsertPicture file_name, filter_number
xlDialogInsertTitle chart, y_primary, x_primary, y_secondary, x_secondary
xlDialogLabelProperties accel_text, accel2_text, 3d_shading
xlDialogListboxProperties range, link, drop_size, multi_select, 3d_shading
xlDialogMacroOptions macro_name, description, menu_on, menu_text, shortcut_on, shortcut_key, _function_category, status_bar_text, help_id, help_file
xlDialogMailEditMailer to_recipients, cc_recipients, bcc_recipients, subject, enclosures, which_address
xlDialogMailLogon name_text, password_text, download_logical
xlDialogMainChart type_num, stack, 100, vary, overlap, drop, hilo, overlap%, cluster, angle
xlDialogMainChartType type_num
xlDialogMove x_pos, y_pos, window_text
xlDialogNew type_num, xy_series, add_logical
xlDialogNote add_text, cell_ref, start_char, num_chars
xlDialogObjectProperties placement_type, print_object
xlDialogObjectProtection locked, lock_text
xlDialogOpen file_text, update_links, read_only, format, prot_pwd, write_res_pwd, ignore_rorec, _file_origin, custom_delimit, add_logical, editable, file_access, notify_logical, converter
xlDialogOpenLinks document_text1, document_text2, ..., read_only, type_of_link
xlDialogOpenMail subject, comments
xlDialogOpenText file_name, file_origin, start_row, file_type, text_qualifier, consecutive_delim, _tab, semicolon, comma, space, other, other_char, field_info
xlDialogOptionsCalculation type_num, iter, max_num, max_change, update, precision, date_1904, _calc_save, save_values
xlDialogOptionsChart display_blanks, plot_visible, size_with_window
xlDialogOptionsEdit incell_edit, drag_drop, alert, entermove, fixed, decimals, copy_objects, _update_links, move_direction, autocomplete, animations
xlDialogOptionsGeneral R1C1_mode, dde_on, sum_info, tips, recent_files, old_menus, user_info, _font_name, font_size, default_location, alternate_location, sheet_num, enable_under
xlDialogOptionsListsAdd string_array
xlDialogOptionsListsAdd import_ref, by_row
xlDialogOptionsME def_rtl_sheet, crsr_mvmt, show_ctrl_char, gui_lang
xlDialogOptionsTransition menu_key, menu_key_action, nav_keys, trans_eval, trans_entry
xlDialogOptionsView formula, status, notes, show_info, object_num, page_breaks, formulas, gridlines, _color_num, headers, outline, zeros, hor_scroll, vert_scroll, sheet_tabs
xlDialogOutline auto_styles, row_dir, col_dir, create_apply
xlDialogOverlay type_num, stack, 100, vary, overlap, drop, hilo, overlap%, cluster, angle, series_num, auto
xlDialogOverlayChartType type_num
xlDialogPageSetup head, foot, left, right, top, bot, hdng, grid, h_cntr, v_cntr, orient, paper_size, _scale, pg_num, pg_order, bw_cells, quality, head_margin, foot_margin, notes, draft
xlDialogPageSetup head, foot, left, right, top, bot, size, h_cntr, v_cntr, orient, paper_size, scale, _pg_num, bw_chart, quality, head_margin, foot_margin, draft
xlDialogPageSetup head, foot, left, right, top, bot, orient, paper_size, scale, quality, head_margin, _foot_margin, pg_num
xlDialogParse parse_text, destination_ref
xlDialogPasteSpecial paste_num, operation_num, skip_blanks, transpose
xlDialogPasteSpecial rowcol, titles, categories, replace, series
xlDialogPasteSpecial paste_num
xlDialogPasteSpecial format_text, pastelink_logical, display_icon_logical, icon_file, icon_number, icon_label
xlDialogPatterns apattern, afore, aback, newui
xlDialogPatterns lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, hwidth, hlength, htype
xlDialogPatterns bauto, bstyle, bcolor, bwt, shadow, aauto, apattern, afore, aback, rounded, newui
xlDialogPatterns bauto, bstyle, bcolor, bwt, shadow, aauto, apattern, afore, aback, invert, apply, newfill
xlDialogPatterns lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, tmajor, tminor, tlabel
xlDialogPatterns lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, apply, smooth
xlDialogPatterns lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, mauto, mstyle, mfore, mback, apply, smooth
xlDialogPatterns type, picture_units, apply
xlDialogPivotFieldGroup start, end, by, periods
xlDialogPivotFieldProperties name, pivot_field_name, new_name, orientation, function, formats
xlDialogPivotShowPages name, page_field
xlDialogPivotTableWizard type, source, destination, name, row_grand, col_grand, save_data, _apply_auto_format, auto_page, reserved
xlDialogPlacement placement_type
xlDialogPrint range_num, from, to, copies, draft, preview, print_what, color, feed, quality, _y_resolution, selection, printer_text, print_to_file, collate
xlDialogPrinterSetup printer_text
xlDialogPromote rowcol
xlDialogProperties title, subject, author, keywords, comments
xlDialogProtectDocument contents, windows, password, objects, scenarios
xlDialogPushbuttonProperties default_logical, cancel_logical, dismiss_logical, help_logical, _accel_text, accel_text2
xlDialogReplaceFont font_num, name_text, size_num, bold, italic, underline, strike, color, outline, shadow
xlDialogRoutingSlip recipients, subject, message, route_num, return_logical, status_logical
xlDialogRowHeight height_num, reference, standard_height, type_num
xlDialogRun reference, step
xlDialogSaveAs document_text, type_num, prot_pwd, backup, write_res_pwd, read_only_rec
xlDialogSaveCopyAs document_text
xlDialogSaveWorkbook document_text, type_num, prot_pwd, backup, write_res_pwd, read_only_rec
xlDialogSaveWorkspace name_text
xlDialogScale cross, cat_labels, cat_marks, between, max, reverse
xlDialogScale min_num, max_num, major, minor, cross, logarithmic, reverse, max
xlDialogScale cat_labels, cat_marks, reverse, between
xlDialogScale series_labels, series_marks, reverse
xlDialogScale min_num, max_num, major, minor, cross, logarithmic, reverse, min
xlDialogScenarioAdd scen_name, value_array, changing_ref, scen_comment, locked, hidden
xlDialogScenarioCells changing_ref
xlDialogScenarioEdit scen_name, new_scenname, value_array, changing_ref, scen_comment, locked, hidden
xlDialogScenarioMerge source_file
xlDialogScenarioSummary result_ref, report_type
xlDialogScrollbarProperties value, min, max, inc, page, link, 3d_shading
xlDialogSelectSpecial type_num, value_type, levels
xlDialogSendMail recipients, subject, return_receipt
xlDialogSeriesAxes axis_num
xlDialogSeriesOrder chart_num, old_series_num, new_series_num
xlDialogSeriesX x_ref
xlDialogSeriesY name_ref, y_ref
xlDialogSetPrintTitles titles_for_cols_ref, titles_for_rows_ref
xlDialogSetUpdateStatus link_text, status, type_of_link
xlDialogShowDetail rowcol, rowcol_num, expand, show_field
xlDialogShowToolbar bar_id, visible, dock, x_pos, y_pos, width, protect, tool_tips, large_buttons, color_buttons
xlDialogSize width, height, window_text
xlDialogSort orientation, key1, order1, key2, order2, key3, order3, header, custom, case
xlDialogSort orientation, key1, order1, type, custom
xlDialogSortSpecial sort_by, method, key1, order1, key2, order2, key3, order3, header, order, case
xlDialogSplit col_split, row_split
xlDialogStandardFont name_text, size_num, bold, italic, underline, strike, color, outline, shadow
xlDialogStandardWidth standard_num
xlDialogStyle bold, italic
xlDialogSubscribeTo file_text, format_num
xlDialogSubtotalCreate at_change_in, function_num, total, replace, pagebreaks, summary_below
xlDialogSummaryInfo title, subject, author, keywords, comments
xlDialogTable row_ref, column_ref
xlDialogTextToColumns destination_ref, data_type, text_delim, consecutive_delim, tab, _semicolon, comma, space, other, other_char, field_info
xlDialogUnhide window_text
xlDialogUpdateLink link_text, type_of_link
xlDialogVbaInsertFile filename_text
xlDialogView3d elevation, perspective, rotation, axes, height%, autoscale
xlDialogWindowMove x_pos, y_pos, window_text
xlDialogWindowSize width, height, window_text
xlDialogWorkbookAdd name_array, dest_book, position_num
xlDialogWorkbookCopy name_array, dest_book, position_num
xlDialogWorkbookInsert type_num
xlDialogWorkbookMove name_array, dest_book, position_num
xlDialogWorkbookName oldname_text, newname_text
xlDialogWorkbookOptions sheet_name, bound_logical, new_name
xlDialogWorkbookProtect structure, windows, password
xlDialogWorkbookTabSplit ratio_num
xlDialogWorkbookUnhide sheet_text
xlDialogWorkgroup name_array
xlDialogWorkspace fixed, decimals, r1c1, scroll, status, formula, menu_key, remote, entermove, _underlines, tools, notes, nav_keys, menu_key_action, drag_drop, show_info
xlDialogZoom magnification



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